This is the consumerist trend of travel which destroyed environments, displaced indigenous communities and sold bodies. how much more price we have to pay for uneducated tourists and for money devils in the tourism industry. the old money-making tricks has created a devastating lifestyle trend which has caused a planet to overheat. an average tourist would use up at least 12 kilos of waste a day and 5 gallons of water on the average... this is how much stress we cause to any place a tourist would visit... do we really think about the ill effects of carbon footprints we leave behind when we ride airplanes, buses, taxis, and jeepneys and stay in airconditioned rooms ? how much energy do we have to waste just to get a sugar boost of an ice cold coke. these are serious considerations which may require serious change of lifestyles. i learned from a research study that an alarming 3% original forest cover in the country has deminished even more. i am worried and cried for many ni