Thursday, December 21, 2006

Mandy’s World and Beyond: A Pilot Study

Mandy’s World and Beyond
A Pilot Study

A cooperative project of:

Biology Department of Xavier University
SEA for Mindanao
Department of Education, Division of Camiguin
ENIGMATA, Camiguin Island

Xavier University
May 2006


The Philippine Islands is considered as a seat of biodiversity but is unfortunately also one of the countries topping the biodiversity hot spot list. Various international organizations with local counterparts are engaged in research and conservation activities to serve scientific and/or industrial ends either to collect database or take conservation steps. There are past and current studies and inventories conducted by the scientific community resulting in the collection of invaluable scientific data directly and immediately benefiting academic ends.
Meanwhile, the public is mostly unaware of efforts like these and even of the existence of the great variety of species in their locality. In homes and schools, children are introduced to species that may not even be present in their area. Worse, many of our children are first taught identities of organisms that, except for zoos, are not even present in the country! Many children therefore know more about lions, tigers, great white sharks, etc. than about organisms that may just be within the confines of their “home ranges”. This lack of knowledge of the country’s biological wealth and condition is probably the main reason of the public’s apathy regarding the current status and problems of our environment.
Mandie’s World and Beyond©, which was developed by SEA for Mindanao and SS1 Productions in 2003, is a short documentary series that show footage of marine faunal species in their native habitats and is intended for nationwide popular information and education campaign through film showing in classrooms. Each species is presented in two-minute video clips presented in a popularized style by an animated mascot, a mandarin fish. A music theme was also created for the series, which was originally intended for prime time nationwide telecast featuring one marine species daily.

The series is an output of an experimental video inventory in the waters off Balingoan, Misamis Oriental and Mantigue Island in Camiguin that was mainly funded by an FPE Action Grant and SS1 Audio-Video Recording Studio. The video inventory conducted in northeastern Mindanao captured twelve interesting species to include the mandarinfish (Synchiropus splendidus) and pygmy seahorse (Hippocampus bargibanti). Additional footage of a frogfish (Antennarius maculatus) was added from SS1 stock footage previously shot in the same area.
A short test exposure was done in Camiguin and the response was deemed very promising. The project to pilot the series in schools was then conceptualized to determine its impact on audiences in the elementary, secondary and tertiary levels, to provide empirical data as to the effect of the developed educational materials on public and private schoolchildren and to assess how the series could still be improved for adaptation in schools.
The development of Mandie’s World and Beyond© is part of a much bigger and long-range plan to document the marine organisms along the Sea of Mindanao in the midst of nautical traffic and pollution due to development and industrialization in the area. A digital archive of the scientific database, which shall be made available to academic institutions and other educational/ promotional multimedia productions and publications, shall be deposited and maintained at Xavier University. The overall goal is to popularize scientific data by bringing the marine environment to the public at large and out of the academic institutions and scientific archives while at the same time providing a broader and deeper look at the species. It proposes not only to advance public awareness but also to provide two versions of data on audio and video, one for scientific and another for popular viewing. A third version shall be tailored in the form of a documentary to suit the localized needs of a community based NGO Information Education Campaign and conservation activities in support to the environmental conservation interventions e.g. solid waste management, zero-fertilizer agricultural systems, water treatment ordinances, etc, and provision for alternative livelihood.


The primary goal of this pilot study is to determine the acceptability and the effect of the developed educational series, Mandie’s World and Beyond©. The secondary goals are to:
1.) show at least four of the series to selected schoolchildren from grades 3 to fourth year high school; and Ecotourism and Education college students;
2.) document the feedback of the students through the use of an instrument;
3.) document the feedback of the teachers; and
4.) determine the areas for improvement.

A. Development of the Evaluation Instrument
Criteria utilized by the DevCom classes of the XU College of Agriculture for judging videos was loosely used as springboard for the construction of the items included in a Likert Scale type of evaluation instrument that was used to gauge students’ and teachers’ reactions to 4-5 video clips. The evaluation, which is written in English, was reviewed by colleagues and was finalized after a consensus was reached. The instrument includes open-ended questions for comments and suggestions for improvement. A copy of the instrument appears in Appendix 1.

B. The Respondents
With the permission and help of the Department of Education Division of Camiguin and school officials, four or five Mandie’s World and Beyond© film clips of 2 minutes each were shown to selected school children in private and public schools from Grades 3-6, first and second year HS classes and a tertiary Ecotourism class in January 2006 in the Division of Camiguin. The same was done to Xavier University BS Education and Grades 1-6 and first and second year HS Abba’s Orchard students in February 2006. Teachers of the selected elementary and high school classes were also requested to accomplish the evaluation instrument. Selection of schools was done to make sure that both public and private schools were represented per grade level, and urban and relatively rural areas were included. A few respondents of various educational attainments were also recruited while the survey teams had a breather in the Marine Sanctuary area of Cantaan, Camiguin. Table 1 shows the of list schools that were included in this study. A total of 903 respondents participated.

C. Conduct of the Survey Proper
After the brief introductions the purpose of the video showing to the students and teachers was explained. Assurances about confidentiality and that all their answers are correct were made to put the respondents at ease. Introductions and instructions were done using a mix of English and the vernacular whenever necessary. The video clips were shown one after the other in the school’s viewing room. The evaluation questionnaire was then administered to the school children and the teachers. For the elementary level, the survey administrator guided the students by reading each item in the questionnaire and translating it into the vernacular, making sure that the item is understood. The students were made to answer each item at the same time. Graders were told not to answer any item if they did not understand it.
Towards the end, Mr. Johnny Cabreira of SEA Mindanao and his daughter, the voice behind the mascot (the narrator) then gave brief talks and Reine Cabreira, the narrator in the series, gave brief messages to the students.

B. Data Treatment and Analysis
Answers of respondents were encoded and analyzed using a PC. Responses to the quantitative ratings were collapsed into only two categories (agree and disagree) for simplification and so that the cells will have a better frequency distribution for statistical analyses. Responses of “undecided” were not included in the analysis.

A. Quantitative Responses
In general, most of the ratings were favorable (positive), with most items getting percent frequencies of favorable responses above 90%. The values ranged from 59% to 98%. The highest % frequencies of favorable ratings were observed in visual composition (98%) and story (97%). The lowest were in sound (59%), speed (65%) and language used (69%) Overall, an average of 88% rated the video positively. The figure below summarizes the frequencies obtained per item.

Item 1. The stories are well written.
Almost 95% of the total respondents and 100% of the HS teachers agreed to this statement. The responses did not significantly vary according to type of respondent.

Item 2. I like the way the story is told.
More than 95% of the total respondents and 100% of the HS teachers agreed to this statement. Again, responses did not significantly vary according to type of respondent.

Item 3. The video draws my attention.
This time the grade schoolers’ ratings significantly varied from that of the older respondents. Only 88.4% answered positively to this item, compared to almost 100% for the rest.

Item 4. The videos have good visual composition.
Respondents also generally responded positively to this statement. Graders were told not to answer the item if they did not understand it.

Item 5. The videos are too fast.
The spread of answers is interesting. Significantly more high school students (50%) think that the video is too fast compared with only 38% of the grade school students. The same trend is true among their teachers.

Item 6. The videos are well edited.
Majority of the respondents answered this item positively (88%). Among the students, there seems to be a greater appreciation of the amount of editing put into the production with increased educational attainment. The number who agreed to this item increased with increased educational level. Among the teachers, the HS teachers also have a greater positive count than the GS teachers.

Item 7. The videos’ length or duration is just right.
86% of the respondents considered the length or duration of the video just right. All the respondent types basically gave the same response pattern.

Item 8. The sound in the video is hardly audible.
This item elicited different responses among the various types of respondents, perhaps due to some misunderstanding of “hardly audible”. Furthermore, there really was no background sound and the speakers were set at different volumes in the different schools. Still, 58.5% considered the sound to be audible, with greater numbers among the teachers and GS students. Furthermore, some of the respondents commented on the loudness of the narrator’s voice (See section on what respondents did not like about the videos below).

Item 9. The speaker’s voice is clear.
Most of the respondents a found the speaker’s voice clear (90%). However, a significantly greater number of Grade school students (18%) answered this item in the negative.

Item 10. The speaker’s voice is loud enough.
88% of respondents found the voice loud enough. Again however, a significantly greater percentage of grade school students did not agree to this item.

Item 11. The videos are interesting.
The higher the educational level, the higher the rating given. Only 92% of GS found the videos interesting compared to 96% of HS students and 100% the rest.

Item 12. The images in the videos are blurred.
Differences in perception can be gleaned from the differences in the answers. A significantly greater proportion of teachers responded to this item positively compared to students. Overall, however, most of the responded did not agree with this statement.

Item 13. Colors in the movie are vivid.
A significantly greater proportion of college students did not find the video colors vivid, while all of the teachers thought otherwise. On the whole, 85% of the respondents were in favor.

Item 14. The animation (the fish) used is great.
The animation also got the nod of 92% of the respondents.

Item 15. It is difficult to understand the language used.
Surprisingly, a much greater proportion of HS students (46%) found the language used difficult to understand compared to the GS students (26%). Predictably, the college students and teachers were of different opinion. 31% of total respondents found the language used difficult.

Item 16. I understood what the stories were all about.
Despite the language difficulty claimed by a great proportion of respondents, a very high 92% understood the stories. The proportion that understood increased with increased educational level.

Item 17. The lessons presented were clear.
Clarity of the lessons presented also increased with grade level. 94% agreed with this statement.

Item 18. I did not get what the videos were about.
About 80% of the GS and HS students claim they did not get what the videos were about compared to less than 5% of the college students and teachers.

Item 19. I cannot remember the lessons presented.
Retention of the lessons presented in the videos increased with educational level. More than 20% of the GS and HS students declared inability to remember.

Item 20. I agree with the lessons presented in the videos.
Only 7.4% of the GS students did not agree with lessons presented. The proportion decreased with educational level.

Item 21. The videos are very entertaining.
Entertainment value also increased with educational level. About 10% of GS students disagreed with this statement, compared to the 6.5% total overall.
Item 22. I like the videos.
A whooping 96% liked the videos. “Likeability” of the videos increased with educational level.

Item 23. Watching the videos is a waste of time.
Only less than 10% agreed with this statement overall. About 11% of GS and HS students agreed.

Item 24. The videos are boring.
On the whole, only about 11% agreed with this statement. 86-99% did not agree.
Item 25. I would like to watch more of the videos.
Although in the previous item 11% found the videos boring, 96% % claim they like to watch more of the videos.

Item 26. More people should watch the videos.
Most of the respondents (91-100%) believe that more people should watch the videos. The college students and teachers all agreed with this statement.

B. What respondents like most about the videos
A variety of answers were elicited from the open-ended question asking respondents what they liked most about the videos. Many respondents gave more than one answers. A little more than half (50.5%) declared they liked the videos because they featured organisms that they loved or are interested in watching. 17% said they liked the length or duration of the video; 16% the color rendition; 11% because of the lessons learned or their educational value; 7% said the videos were fun to watch or entertaining. A small proportion said they liked the story, the animation and the fact that local species were featured, and about 2% answered they liked everything.

C. What respondents don’t like most about the video
More than half (56%) of the respondents either declared that they liked everything about the videos or did not find anything about the video that they did not like. Aspects that fell within the not liked category include the difficulty of understanding the language used (5%); that the videos are too short (5%) or too fast (3.1%); the lack of graphics and poor animation (4.5%); that the narrator spoke too fast (4%) or was too loud or shrill (3.4%). A few of the respondents (1.9%) commented on the poor visibility or “lack of clearness” in some scenes.

D. Suggestions for Improvement

Generally, the video series in its original form is already highly acceptable. It was rated highly, with 90% of respondents giving favorable answers to most of the criteria used in the evaluation. The great bulk (96%) of the respondents wanted to watch more and think that more people should watch the videos. An average of 88% ratings in favor of the video was computed for all the items. About half of the respondents wrote that they could not find anything not to like about the videos and therefore have no suggestions for improvement. These ratings indicate the high overall effectivity of the videos.
The areas that needed improvement and the recommendations for improvement are summarized below.
Significant points raised and recommendations for improvement
1. Video is too fast, too short.
The duration of the video can be lengthened. Narrator can then slow down so that she her voice can be paced and controlled more effectively. More footage can be added to highlight points mentioned in the story. Other “add-ons” to emphasize points can be used.

2. Clarity of voice. Language is difficult to understand.
Translations or definitions of technical terms can be added, and probably also subtitles. Hopefully, once the level of understanding is increased, so would interest.

3. Animation /Graphics
End of video messages made by Mandie can be varied to include other pro-conservation concerns or issues. The animation itself can also be varied to sustain the interest of the viewers.

4. Memory Retention
More graphics and captions can be included in the videos to emphasize points raised. To improve retention, a summary of the lessons that need to be learned can also be shown at the beginning and the end of each segment (To make use of the primary-recency effect).

Our thanks to
• Xavier University, for funding the research;
• The respondents, their teachers and the school principals for giving the survey team their cooperation and very warm hospitality.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

2006 Poems on Ecology by Camiguin Children


The beauty of nature
So clean and colorful
The earth, the water, plants and air
Were the people needs to be alive.
In the mountainsides
Shores, falls and springs
So fresh and cold.

But what happened
To the nature
It was polluted
Because of what we are doing
Like using chemicals and fertilizers
And many others
We have no RESPECT to our nature.

That is the work of the people
Who destroy nature
So we should love and
Have respect to our nature.

Reizle Jane R. Borres
Grade VI
11 yrs. Old
Catarman Central School

Sources of Life

There are many sources of life
First is the water
Water is important, it gives life to us
Next is the soil
If there is no soil, the plants will not grow
The air is colorless
If there is no air, we cannot breath
The last is the plants
Plants gives us food to eat
We need to protect the sources of life!

Abegail K. Ugat
Grade IV
10 yrs. Old
Catarman Central School

The Natural Resources

Soil, water, plants, sun and air
Are the natural resources
Soil is very important to us
If there is no soil, plants will not grow
Water is very important to us
Without water, plants will die

Plant is very important to us
If there is no plants, we cannot find food
Sun is very important to us
Without sun, there is no source of energy and light
Without air, we cannot breath.

Lervim Lee B. Calawan
Grade IV-Earth
10 yrs. Old
Catarman Central School


In our environment we can see
different component of nature
Air, plants, animals, water and soil
All of these are the source of life.

Different human activities destroy these vital source of life
Cutting of logs legally or illegally
Dynamite fishing, fishing using chemicals
Destroy the fish habitat and the fish itself

Mining destroy the mountain,
Habitat of diverse form of life
Siltation of rivers kills different biodiversity

Stop the human activities that destroy nature
So that the children of our children
Will not suffer the consequences of nature.

Jan T. Bingat
Grade V
11 yrs. Old
Catarman Central School


Soil, you are the source of life!
All people, farmers
Depend only in you

To me all things are done
Because of you
Plants are worthwhile to grow and bear
They make us healthy as we should be

As I walk alone
I feel and know
That nature in life
Is because of you

Soil, if nature enabled you
To be the greatest source of life
I will make you rich
I will protect you
And I will salute you.

Gheen Leigh Dadang
Grade VI
11 yrs old
Catarman Central School

The Air

Do you see the air?
No, but you can feel!
air is so very useful
Without air we cannot breath
The air is like children
When they are playing with the wind
So do not use pesticides and other
And other that can destroy the air
So the air will not be polluted.

Rey Valenz M. Sagocsoc
Grade VI-Gold
12 yrs.old
Catarman Central School

Nature as God’s Creature

How nice to see nature
And experience to use its different creatures
How lovely to see big trees, wide ocean
And different natural resources
Its very wonderful to breath fresh air
And to feel the hotness and coldness of nature
To hear the sound of rushing water in river
The sound of different animals
And specially the sound of whispering nature…
Thank GOD, He created nature!

Wendysyl R. Mabale
Grade VI
11 yrs. Old
Catarman Central School


Nature is my friend and yours,
So do not harm them all
And someday we will realize
That nature is useful

They make the air clean
And make the surroundings green
Nature give us food and wood
And shelter to animals and for all

So let us care for our Mother Nature dear
For they are God’s wonderful creature
How good the Nature to give us the wonderful
Gift for all!

Zoida Clara Yamba
Sagay Central School
11 yrs old

The Clouds

Clouds is the most beautiful in the sky
Clouds is colored in white and sky is colored in blue
Most of the clouds are form in any shapes
God gives clouds to help protect our ozone layer
Many of the clouds are black and white

Cloud is important of the sky
God gives cloud is because the people will like it
God know that
We know the God is powerful than us
We will respect God decision
To do our duty on earth!

Mayumi Aiko B. Uayan
Sagay Central School
11 yrs old

Journey of Life

The journey of life is important of us
It is beautiful and colorful
The tree is strong and healthy
The sky have different colors
We success that the seeds of how to begin
To big and we see how the ant get food
We see the children play in the grass
The flowers are destroyed
The sea is beautiful but not so clean
There are many leaves to flow down the grass

Raisa Noron C. Campong
Sagay Central School
12 yrs old


Water is like a moving car
It never goes up, always down
One of the most beautiful gift of nature is water
Which is one of the things we need

Fishes, crabs, snails are some of the food we can find
On which some people depend

Love and respect we need to conserve water
So let us thank to God’s creation, specially nature
From their glorious gift like water
For they are good to all

Pebe Mae U. Abao
Sagay Central School
11 yrs old


Seeds begin with a small thing
Just a little seed is planted
And then it started growing

Seed is like a beginning
Wonderful grow
From the starting
Like a morning sun rising

You can’t believe
For just a little
But it is a God creation

Rolen Zaballero
Sagay Central School
11 yrs old


What a colorful, right!
Pink, yellow, red and blue
Making the surrounding glow

The fragrance of this scent
Attract people, animals and some birds
They bring life to everything else

Flowers are some gifts of nature
Loveliness are God’s reflection

Ma. Naome E. Fuentes
Sagay Central School
11 yrs old

The Nature

The nature is very important to us
It is our source of food and drinks
It helps us prevent flood and other calamities
It helps us live wonderfully

The flowers and plants that grow anywhere on land
Protect them all for they help us grow
Because without nature
Life is impossible

Rauline R. Kiunisala
Sagay Central School
11 yrs old

The Beautiful Nature

The beautiful nature is found in Camiguin
If Camiguin is no the tourist is not around
The Camiguin is no live and not very beautiful
If they say that Camiguin is not beautiful
But one says that Camiguin is very beautiful
And I found that they are right
Camiguin is beautiful
And many rivers, seas, falls and everything

Irene V. Pajaro
11 yrs old


There are many kinds of clouds
Cumulus, Cirrus, Stratus and Nimbus clouds
The Cumulus clouds are like big pile of cotton
The Cirrus is curl up clouds
The Stratus is made a particles of eye
The Nimbus is a dark cloud

Sherlan A. Sarigumba
Sagay Central School
10 yrs old


What a beautiful nature!
For they give a beautiful gift to all

The trees is a wonderful
Creature of nature

For they are useful
We are so thankful

To have a beautiful and
Wonderful trees given to us from Nature

Josemie C. Nahid
Sagay Central School
11 yrs. Old

Mother Earth and the Child

How are you Mother Earth?
I’m so happy my child.
Yesterday all things are green and beautiful
All things are bright and wonderful
God made perfect for all

Today I’m so lonely my child
My green trees are burning and failing
My fertile soil are disappearing
Water is polluting

Fish are dying
People are starving and dying
Tomorrow, my dear child
Its up to you my dear

Hannah S. Acero
Grade IV
Anito Elem. School

The Things I Love

These are the things
I love to see
The morning sun
The pretty flowers that opens one by one
The green grasses are growing
The rivers running by
The bees, the butterflies
Flying low and high

Diana S. Igot
Grade V
10 yrs old
Anito Elem. School

Our Nature

Our nature is beautiful and bright
The flowers have different colors and different size
There are so many trees that have different names
Like narra, ipip-ipil, Lanzones and santol.
The water in Camiguin is natural and the air is fresh and cool

Miraflor M. Opema
Grade VI
11 yrs old
Anito Elem. School

God’s Creation

God’s creation is useful to every living things in the world
You can see everything that surrounds you
You can touch the beautiful flowers
You can climb any mountain in the world
You can feel the earth in any senses you have
The senses are very useful and important thing
Because we can see everything, we can say anything
We tastes anything and feel anything with your senses
The living things like plants, animals and the most
Of all human beings
Without human beings, no animal and plants
Without plants and animals, no human beings
The most important things that we need are air
Soil and sunlight
Without them, no living things were alive
Remember, do not destroy your nature and the
Creature of this beautiful thing is God

Jenith S. Luntian
11 yrs old
Balbagon Elem. School

Our Big Earth

The earth is very big
It looks like a very wide ball
It is very big and wide
Plants live on earth
Animals live on earth
You and I live on earth
It is our home!

Sheenah H. Abbu
Grade VI
11 yrs old
Balbagon Elem. School

The Flower

Flower is beautiful to see
It has many different colors, shape, etc.
To help other people
Also it is decorate, if there is a fiesta
Graduation, etc
If there a vase in your house
It can be put the flowers on it.

Sandra C. Resma
12 yrs. old
Balbagon Elem. School

Rise and Shine

I thought to do my work today
But a brown bird sang in a narra tree
A butterfly fitted across the garden leaves
Of all sizes were falling free

As a wind were shining over the land
Tossing and grassing to and pro
As a rainbow flash like a shining hand
So what could I do
But rise and shine

April Rose C. Cadorna
Grade V
Balbagon Elem. School

The Ricefields

I did my work today about ricefields
Today I ever seen that many people sickness in ricefields
Because of the insecticides
I concern that many people
Sickness in the ricefields so
We be careful in doing anything so

Rhea Mae A. Ladesma
Grade V
Balbagon Elem. School

The Sun and the Plants

The sun gives us food
The sun help people to grow plants
The sun is big
The plants give us the food to eat
The plants gives us strong body

Mae Doryl A. Bucad
Grade VI
11 yrs old
Anito Elem. School


Plants are very useful to people and animals
They need loam soil
Without soil, the plants didn’t grow
Without water, the plants will not grow, too
Plants are very useful to us
They soil, water and sunlight
If you take good care of the plants
The plants grow big, wider and beautiful
Let’s take good care of our plants!
Raya Grace B. Agol
Grade IV-Jupiter
10 yrs old
Catarman Central School

Save Water

Water gives life to us
Without water, we become thirsty
The plants and animals will be thirsty and will dies, too

How beautiful to save water from harmful chemicals and
To have clean water!

Bianca Marielle A. Malones
Grade IV-Earth
10 yrs old
Catarman Central School

2006 Ecopeace Camp - International Peace Exchange

Gandhi School, South Korea
Enigmata Creative Circle, Inc.
in collaboration with
Department of Education, Division of Camiguin Island, Philippines

Pathways to Peace
“Sharing Peace and Building Relationship Between Mindanao and Korean Youth”
International peace Exchange “Ecological Inner Peace Camp”
Camiguin Island , Cagayan de Oro, Bukidnon, Davao City
November 6-24, 2006



In Korea, there is a special education movement that is an alternative school movement. When the generation that started the democracy movement became parents, they are confronted with the kind of commercial education which is focused on making commercial human being in capital society in 1990s. Having realized the irony, a group of individuals started an alternative way of education movement for changing society from the bottom. As a result, now there are 70 alternative schools from elementary school to high school. Particularly the Gandhi school is a one of leading school in that movement. Gandhi schools are starting to develop wholelistic peace curriculum in high school course which started this year. The youth have peace classes, NGO studies, field exposures in Korea NGO society in spring semester. After that course, they will be in the Philippines for three months for learning by travel in other society while they are staying with Korea NGO Center in Manila. On the last month they will go to Mindanao where they will be meeting with people who are working for peace with youth who believe in peace. The journey can help build peace by ourselves not as victims but also as peace builders in peer relationship.

Enigmata initiates to integrate the local values in ecological peace as one of the foundation in community peace building. Camiguin as a naturally peaceful community shall be an ideal host for this ecological inner peace camp.

Purpose of program :

 To learn how to build peace in conflict area such as in Mindanao in formal and informal education
 To build peer relationship between Mindanao and Korean Youth through Peace camp
 To develop peace -expression skills and to create peace action between Mindanao and Korean students with peace activists and artists
 To strengthen personal values as foundation for inner peace
 To integrate ecological concepts in peace building through biodiversity education
 To enhance exposure for local and foreign youth for a deeper multiple cultural diversity integration
The Peace Journey…

Welcome to Mindanao
November 6, 2006
• A welcome visit to the museum in Xavier University was a good overview of the history of Mindanao and Camiguin

Opening Ritual, Journey to the Heart of the Earth, Labyrinth, Inner peace Journey
November 7, 2006
• Water-soaked students and teachers are welcomed by fire upon a rainy arrival, a candlelight ritual of thanksgiving prayer and a Filipino-style breakfast. Students settle into their respective rooms after a tour of the grounds and a short orientation on the schedules they might expect for the next few days in Enigmata treehouse.
• The first stop on the island tour is to pay a courtesy call to the governor of Camiguin who welcome the students to the island by swapping history stories and is treated to a song performed by the group.
• The Korean students pile into (and on top of) the Filipino jeep that would take them to breath-taking Katibawasan waterfall for lunch. The facilitators and the Korean counterpart teachers and organizers have their first meeting to discuss expectations and possible concerns regarding the peace camp as a whole.
• Rosalie Zerrudo leads the students on a Journey to the Heart of the Earth, a short workshop on finding one’s center to act as an anchor for the many diverse experiences the students are to experience during the peace camp.
• In the evening the welcome prayer ritual of light brought the participants together in a sacred circle where they learned to dance the language of stars
• The Filipino gracious hospitality were also shown in dances like the “pandango sa ilaw” dance of lights and “tinikling” bamboo dance
• Candels were lit with prayers and peace wishes that now joined the stars as we send them off to the heavens to bless this earth
• A biodiversity slides of Camiguin and the Philippines was served as a closure in the evening to give the participants an overview of the island’s natural heritage and the relationship of the concept of peace and nature

Creative eco teambuilding challenge around the island
November 8, 2006
• The peace campers arise to an early wake-up call for a morning trip to White Island, a picturesque sand bar off Agoho Beach. After a hearty breakfast, students and teachers are gathered in a circle for a declaration of expectations. A few more hours are spent swimming and replenishing spent energy from traveling the previous day.
• To act as a synergizing tool, the participants take a trail to a mountain forest. Tourism volunteers from Camiguin Polytechnic State College give the group an orientation on the natural wonders of the island. Afterwards, the group is paired off in buddies, where a blind-folded participant is led by another who has to describe the sights on the trail, hug trees, switching roles on the way down.
• The participants pay a visit to the Philippine Vulcanology Institute for a tour of the museum of the volcanoes of Camiguin and an inspection of the instruments used to measure volcanic activity on the island.
• The group proceeds to Macao Cold Spring, a natural pool of mineral water, to have lunch and a good swim in the fresh mountain spring blue waters.
• Back in Enigmata, the participants experience storytelling with Waway Saway, who talks about the ways of his tribe using The River of Life as metaphor and music as his medium. After, the group undergoes The Web of Life, their first activity focusing on community. A rope is passed on and intertwined to crisscross members in a way that creates a web that acts as metaphor of the oneness in nature and of the community where the actions of one affect the other. Participants take turns being swayed to sleep by laying on the web, aimed at building trust and communal responsibility.
• Three workshops are held simultaneously for the rest of the afternoon. Using peace symbolism as a medium for empowering self-affirmation, Rosalie Zerrudo facilitates a workshop on soil painting while Waway Saway facilitates a clay sculpture workshop. Pompet Villaraza gives a workshop on creative healing to give the participants an introduction on tangible inner energy as a means to finding inner peace.
• After dinner, the group decides to have a warm evening swim at Ardent Hot Spring to complete the day’s tour of the island.

Indigenous Filipino Living Traditions
November 9, 2006
• Rosalie Zerrudo speaks to the group about Kapwa, or the self in the other. She introduced tribal story in a slide show; Cross and Sacrifice, of Datu Vic Saway illustrated by Waway Saway. The story speaks of the tribal community accountability for each other and how to lead by example.
• A peace game was introduced for the second half of the workshop. It was to level off with participants definitions and ideas on peace that can serve as a starting point for the resource person for the afternoon, Datu Vic Saway, spiritual leader of Talaandig Tribe of Bukidnon.
Sample Peace game questions:
1. Can you imagine the possibility of a world without violence?
2. Is it possible to create peace if there was no violence to create peace from?
• Datu Vic Saway, the chieftain of indigenous peoples of Mindanao, gives an interactive talk on social and inner peace. The talk is followed by a question and answer symposium on finding daily inner peace where students find personal answers in the context of ancient tribal wisdom.

• We are being attacked by the western system everyday
• Duality, when good comes without bad is not whole, mouth and anus are one.
• The proper place and timing of duality is essential
• Do you know who is the greatest enemy in the context of peace…?
• As peace warriors we cannot give up… if peace is life… we cannot give up life…
• The body is the most perfect model or an organization.. each part has sovereign authority… each has its own space… the anus as sovereign as the eyes… peace is sovereignty… under each power is responsibility… we need cooperation… coordination.. collaboration…
• Structure of the body is perfectly correlated to the structure of the world and the universe… eyes is the sun… the stomach is the economy...
• If we want to understand the world, how I am related to the world… then it takes certain understanding of other parts of the body and how they are related… just like the human body has north and south… if we understand to understand the body to the world… we will understand peace… the community has a body like the physical composition just like the body...
• Common sense… is what is lacking today that we do not learn in school… western society makes robots… but the problem many people are loosing their senses…
• If we are peace makers we must govern the world… peace must reign the world… How? The very simple formula… we have been victims of western colonization… the Filipinos have western economic system, education system etc… we are trying to recapture our cultural self… because we have been dominated by the western system… many of us are western advocates… this is a serious issue on peace.. because by the end of the day we are not helping our own power…
• In order to recapture our culture.. rebuild.. recapture… we need to recapture five important laws for the self , for the nation, for the world.. the laws on kinship or brotherhood… if these laws are achieved then it enables peace governance..
1. the law on mutual recognition and respect … nobody is above or powerful than the other..
2. the law on sharing information…
3. cooperation… if you are happy and nobody will not join you it is useless…
4. mutual protection of life…
5. helping the disadvantage….

• As peace advocates… Cultural accountability as tool to teach peace… making an inventory of things… we can be accountable for peace…
• First step is understanding the self…
• You cannot command peace of power… peace is authority… the power to deliver the strength of responsibility, accountability, obligations… but the struggle does not mean war..
• If you have small dream… we have small blessing… if we have big dream, then we can get bigger blessing from the creator of humanity…
• What is your concept of peace?
• Change oftentimes bring conflict… what we need to do is to understand change… if do not, we cannot react appropriately… How? We need to understand the events involved in every change…

• Waway Saway gives a workshop on community drumming and percussion followed by a performance by the Korean drummers and other interactive dance presentations.
• A creative movement workshop with the same thread on community is held at the Enigmata gardens
• Creative Movement workshop (Big Circle, barefoot) Overview: Based on questions raised after Datu Vic’s session, they’re on the level of trying to find a common ground (peace in relationships) that’s why this workshop is “a way of opening up ourselves to one another.”
• LISTENING TO YOUR BODY- feel/acknowledge every pain in the body, mind, heart. Free every joint in your body (unblocking). The best way to do this? Be like children again. Enjoy the softness of the body. Anger and negative emotions stay in the body for 6 months, then becomes poison; emotions trapped in the body later manifests into sickness. Don’t throw your anger at other people for they will get sick, throw back to mother earth if necessary because it can accept the anger. But better to manage anger with creativity. Everything is energy e.g. Russian “Kirlian” photography (can capture images of the aura) (Brazilian Music) Instructions: “Concentrate where the pain is coming from, then let go through breathing (give it breath, give life) …”

Process: Movements by pair- Complement followed by Mirror movements. Ended with LIVING SCULPTURES “synergized whole group movement.”

• To cement the theme on Kapwa, the group is initiated into an Eye-to-Eye, I-to-I activity where they are asked to meditatively gaze deeply into the eyes of the participant in front of him or her, and to try to communicate all their feelings, thoughts, intentions to the other without the use of words. The group is rotated so that each participant is able to partner with all the other participants.
• In the evening, the group learns Filipino traditional dances in the faint glow of the full moon and torches at the Enigmata garden area.
• The group travels around Camiguin Island in their minds via a slide show presentation on its volcanic formations, its flora and fauna, and other details concerning the state of nature on the island.
• For the evening, an open-mike concert is held at the Enigmata stage grounds. Featuring Waway Saway, the camp facilitators, The Korean Drummers, and anyone else brave enough to step up to dance and perform in front of the crowd.

Healing Arts and Alternative Eco Friendly Lifestyle
November 10, 2006
• The group again takes up the thread on personal healing during the four simultaneous morning workshops. Tatting Soliva gives an interactive workshop on meditation and drumming, Waway Saway on the bamboo flute and the kubing, Rosalie Zerrudo on healing the inner core and lifestyle check, and Pompet Villaraza on experiential energy work and healing massage.

 Synthesis of Rosalie’s workshop: Think about what you put on your table… it affects the world. Simplify your lifestyle… free yourself from the demands of consumerism. What is your personal advocacy you are ready to stand for that brings peace to your personal life…
 Tay Tatting’s commentary: (Inhale/Exhale) “Relax… Close your eyes… Think of that bright light within yourself, try to locate where it is now… (instrumental-flute) …Have you located the light? Focus on that bright light … Capture the light… Take it in your hand as a guiding light towards your path… (flute) …Now bring that bright light with you… to the peaceful place that you know… forest, river or seaside, wherein you and that light are shining with a companion, go to the place that you like… (flute) …Now set that bright light ablaze like ether from your forehead moving down… …outwards where you are. Focus on the light… peaceful light… focus on yourself… (flute) …Bright light… bring down to your heart… surround yourself with the bright light now surrounding you… appreciate nature… appreciate the air… (flute)”

 PROCESSING for inner healing activities:
-“the one thing and the most important thing is nature” -“during the meditation, I felt good… I imagined going home beside the forest and at first I didn’t expect that I would be able to concentrate, but I was able to”
-“I didn’t know that the energy thing was real…”
-“I felt like I was flying to our house but I couldn’t get in…”
-“I was crying and I didn’t know why. Before I came I felt like I was flying (unstable) but now I feel like I’m standing (comfortable).”
-“I was surprised at the arrangement… the four groups has a connection… energy inside all of us, and nature. I’m comfortable with the place; what you’re doing now is what I’m interested in…”
-“It was just comfortable…the healing thing”

Rosalie’s Synthesis: “If all of these made sense to you, it means there is hope for the future. I hope that you will all share it to other youth back in Korea. It’s no accident that you are in Camiguin … and I am glad that this feels like home for you… The peace within us radiates outside so others can also feel”

• After a short forum where the students and teachers give comments on their experiences during the morning workshops, Tatting Soliva gives a talk on alternative holistic lifestyles and bio-dynamic planting.  included concepts by Rudolph Steiner and “Peace Education thru Agricultural and Cultural Enhancement and Homa Therapy and Agnihotra Processes.”

• After an afternoon break, Tatay Tatting leads the group in a prayer ritual circled around a sacred ziggurat fire. A demonstration on air purification through Agnihotra process was done at the exact hour of the sunset (based on Bohol time)

• Rosalie Zerrudo talks about the importance of harnessing cosmic energy and the life force in the context of plants followed by a workshop on healing the big tree inside the Enigmata treehouse using organic healing aids and mud pack.

• In the evening, the students gather around to sing songs, some of them spontaneously created once the students are inspired enough to harmoniously express their minds and soul through unprompted song.

Living Values peace activities
November 11, 2006
• Guest Filipino youth and teacher participants are invited to interact with the Korean group for an entire day’s workshop on invocations and visioning a better world, and creating inner peace using the arts facilitated by theatre practitioners from Cebu Province; Ellen V. Luna, Delia Villacastin and Telly Ampatin.

 Process:

a) Visioning Exercise (Vision for a Better World) (Write down words/phrases that would capture your idea of a better world…) Words that came out were: No war; No garbage; Equality; United People; No Corruption; and Peaceful. Input: Everything starts in the MIND.

b) Personal Privilege Inventory (Chart)
Input: Do all of these things/labels define who I REALLY AM? Human Being- Body-Spirit/ Mind-Heart.

c) Values Awareness by pair (Sending good wishes/positive thoughts to partner through thoughts/energy and by looking at the eyes/soul. Giving drishti to someone who’s far away)
Input: Having the experience of soul consciousness and a different way of communicating with and serving others.

d) Machine Exercise (One by one, the students would choose a sound and a shape they’d like to act out and then connect to the one that came before him/her. It would go on until there are a sufficient number of people. The end result would be a whole interconnected machine with different leveling/shapes and diverse sounds which, when taken as one, shows a whole new, unified harmony of sounds and movements.

Processing: Value picked up from the exercise- Unity/Teamwork. Parts of the machine-shapes, positions, uniqueness… “but when we come together, we become one…”

e) Going back to the self again (Question raised: What do I need to do to become a better person?) Answers gathered from students: Trust oneself; act out feelings after thinking; give importance to self/make self happy; have experience; self-discipline; find your talent and share oneself to others; be kind to everyone; be true to oneself; understanding and believing in one’s self; smile; laugh a lot; etc.
Input: “Say this upon waking and before going to bed: I LOVE MYSELF UNCONDITIONALLY…”

Additional activity: PEACE ICEBREAKER BINGO

Synthesis: Majority of the values listed as a result of the session/process could be summed up into four words/phrases-Peace, Love, Respect for Nature, Freedom. These are all Universal, and these Universal values connect all of us regardless of race, gender etc.

• The group now consisting of both Filipino and Korean students and teachers are separated into groups and are asked to interpret the lessons learned during the day. The output are inspired multi-cultural words, colors, dance, music, and installation sculpture performed and presented by the five groups.

 Tasking: Group 1-Banner, 2-Peace Notes, 3-Peace Tower, 4-Puppetry, 5-Organizing the presentations as well as the ritual on six directions.

• Ellen Luna gives a meditative slideshow presentation to the international audience on how to harness inner peace as a tool for creating a more peaceful world.
• They gave out little slips of paper wherein people wrote their “offerings of Peace” and then they gave out toil (sweets) and blessings for everyone.
• An Iranian Art Film is projected on a micro-cinema screen at the garden, entitled The Colors of Paradise, about the journey of healing undertaken by a blind child and his father.
• A concert is held in the evening highlighting local Camiguin musicians, Zonic Drive and students, Waway Saway and the facilitators, the Korean Drummers, and the other Korean students.

Community Integration with Cantaan Youth and Cultural Solidarity with the community
November 12, 2006
• Community Integration with Cantaan Youth and Department of Science and Technology @ Kebila white sand beach. Hosts: Cantaan Youth- Cantaan Youth Marine Resource Angelo King Association CYMRAKA and CUTE. Cantaan Centennial Multi Purpose Cooperative (CCMPC) Board of Directors and the Manager of the DENR Training Center.
• Program (initiated by Cantaan Youth): Cantaan youth prepared some overview on topics such as: Information Education Campaign, the History of Cymraka and accomplished projects, Fish Sanctuary Management, Effective Coastal Management, the Law of Coastal Management, Proper Waste Disposal, the History of Giant Clams, and facilitated the interaction of Korean Youth, Camiguin School-Based Youth and Cantaan Youth.
• Divided into 6 groups (each with equal representation from the three main groups). These six groups had simultaneous activities: Snorkeling to see the giant clams, learning local livelihood skills (crocheting using plastic as thread), going through the forest, exploring a local cave, focus group discussion, and walking along the coastal area. Lunch at the beach.
• Ardent Hot Springs in the evening to soothe the restless feet

Travel to CDO for eco adventure
November 13, 2006

• Went to CDO for canopy walk and white water rafting to exercise teamwork and sharing joy, adventure and happiness. In the afternoon the group proceeded to Talaandig School of Living Traditions in Malaybalay, Bukidnon.
• welcomed by a sumptuous dinner

Talaandig School of living Traditions exposure in Malaybalay, Bukidnon
November 14, 2006

• Free time for everyone. Students and teachers went around and got to know the place, culture and people in the Talaandig Community. Talaandig youth taught the Koreans how to play their Kudyapi, Tambol, Kubing etc. and there were nonstop jamming sessions. In Waway’s home, the students got hooked on the clay pendants and making of instruments.
• Afternoon-Welcome Ritual by the Council of Elders wherein the visitors were formally accepted as friends of the community
• Cultural Night-clad in their elaborate traditional attires, the Talaandig townsfolk shared more about their culture through music and dance starting with the youngest up to the more mature residents of the tribe. Later on, everyone joined in on the dancing and jamming. The Koreans also had their chance to share their music and modern dance. Some tokens of gratitude were then exchanged as the program was about to finish.

November 15, 2006

• The students went around one last time and settled down in front of the stage after packing their bags. Here, Waway led the group in a closing ceremony with the reminder that we are all connected, no matter where we may be. After the Korean students offered a heartfelt song for the community as thanksgiving, everyone reluctantly said goodbye, some with a silent hope of going back there someday.

• Late evening, the group arrived in Ponce Suites, Davao City. Although exhausted from the long journey, the students went around admiring the works of art as they were getting settled in.

Kublai's Art Attack, Café Transcend, Ponce Suites, Davao City
November 16, 2006

• Kublai Art Attack was another explosion experimenting with colors and paints. A poetry workshop was incorporated into the journey of finding the soul in Kublai’s creativity and what it is saying to one’s heart.

Youth Peace Camp (Mindanaoans - Koreans Interaction and Solidarity for Peace) with Catholic Relief Service
November 17, 2006

• The group headed off to Camp Alano for their three-day Peace Camp with Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and met their peers, youth from Davao and Cotabato City.
• Nov 17-19, 2006 CRS Peace Camp

Rest day or City Tour (optional)
November 20, 2006

• A visit to a theme sculpture village in Kapatagan was an unforgettable experience

Creative Peace in Mindanao
November 21, 2006

• Creative Peace Workshop with Geejay Arriola at 1:30 pm
• 7:30 pm MTS to watch Salima and jam with the artists. Salima a beautifully written theater concert mounted by Earth Music Foundation, Davao City has toured all over Mindanao and other parts of the Philippines.
• Past 10 pm, trip back to Balingoan

November 22, 2006

• 6:30 trip to Benoni port, Camiguin. Back in Enigmata.
• Rest day, some went to Ardent Hot Springs in the evening.

Magic card of affirmation closure
November 23, 2006

• Processing and giving affirmations to everyone in the morning, then white beach (vanishing island) in the afternoon. Socials Night.

November 24, 2006

• 4:30 am Korean group left to catch their 10:35 am flight back to Manila


Many impressions, thoughts and feelings were summarized into words of love, peace, blessings, and gratefulness. The joy in each one’s heart was too big to describe.

2005 Earth Camp

Department of Education
Enigmata Creative Circle, Inc.

2005 Youth for Environment in School (YES) Organization
“Youth Society Advocates as Volunteers for Environment”

2005 Y-SAVE Camiguin Youth Earth Camp through the ARTS

Evaluation Form
Please check the boxes for each topic according to your ratings:
5-highest 1-lowest
5 -4 -3 -2 -1

Activity / Workshops

Sayawit Presentation
40 -46 -13 -8 -1
Painting our story / drawing by Eric and Errol Balcos
76 -20 -6 -3 -
Recycling with bottles
71 -20 -13 -3 -1
Recycling with plastics and seeds
72 -22 -12 -2 -
Indigenous recycling with drift wood
61 -27 -12 -3 -
Puppet making by Vens and Jaja
79 -19 -5 -2 -1
Music Workshop by Tatting Soliva
75 -21 -5 -2 -
Paper mache with bottles
56 -31 -11 -5 -2
Dance and movement by Alex Viray
81 -14 -9 --- 1
Theater Workshop by Felimon Blanco
71 -28 -7 --- 2
Puppet Theater Production with Enigmata artists
86 -17 -3 -1 -1
Environmental Play on stage by Enigmata artists and Tupsan Youth
78 -16 -9 -4 -1
Our Legacy: Our story
Basic Puppetry Production and Design by Dionisio dela Cruz
64 -24 -7 -1 -2
Biodiversity by Ros Zerrudo
80 -20 -5 --- ---
Ginoo at Binibining Kalikasan and Talent show down
76 -13 -10 -3 -1
Theater Workshop by Roy Alvarez
94 -5 -5 -1 ---
Roy Alvarez – Ecology Workshop
The journey within on the theme:” I am the change I want to see happen in my Universe”
95 -10 - - -
Waste Management by Peregine Cadayong
75 -20 -5 -3 -
Mirroring, Sculpting and creative dance/movement
86 -19 -5 -2 -
Games on micro-organism
76 -24 -7 --- 1
IMO – Micro – organism and natural farming
78 -15 -7 -5 -1
Environmental games by Ros Zerudo
77 -20 -7 -1 -
Bio-sculpture garden by Kublai Millan
71 -27 -7 -2 -1
Mural and painting
76 -13 -13 -2 -
Lupa concert (Pag-ibig sa KatutubongLupa)
By Waway Saway and Enigmata artists
84 -14 -3 -2 ---
Concert by Maan Chua
78 -8 -2 - -
Venue: Eco Park
49 -9 -5 -1 -
Venue: Enigmata
53 -2 ---- - -

 It is important to know the things to consider in drawing.
 Bottles can be used in some purposes.
 We can express our idea through expressing it in paper mache.
 We must love our nature.
 Every youth has there own idea about nature.
 I like the different composition.
 It encourages me to recycle bottles.
 It encourages my creativity in making puppets.
 We must love Mother Earth.
 I learn about waste management.
 I realized how important microorganisms are.
 It’s fun to learn how to compose a song with a dance.
 I really learn a lot and I realize that we really need to save Mother Earth.
 We love our nature, we should do our responsibility in order that our nation will progressive. Na ang lahat ng bagay ay magkaugnay kaya di natin ito abusuhin dahil ito ang nature na magagamit pa sa bagong henerasyon. We should have a proper waste disposal.
 Nalaman ko ang dapat nating gawin para kay Mother Earth.
 Paint beautifully.
 I learn to save Mother Earth.
 I learn how to dance, sing, paint, and to act.
 I learn how to protect and save Mother Earth and how to recycle bottle and many materials and the song of nature.
 Puppet making fuel you a creative kid.
 I learn more dance steps, to act and to care for Mother Earth.
 I learn to sing with sayaw, to play music, to save our water, learn how to be a microorganism and to make IMO.
 I learn to be always alert, prepared, strong, discipline, how to be real man. Protect Mother Earth, to trust our selves. To have confidence. Mother Nature is my most mother in the world.
 I learn what are the elements in dancing.
 I learn how to save the environment and to cooperate with others.
 I learn basic steps in making puppets.
 I learn to express ourselves.
 I learn to create something useful.
 I learn to love seas and waters.
 Music makes our soul dance.
 Appreciate small organisms
 Bring courage in acting.
 To appreciate nature and the entire human race.
 We love our Mother Nature by doing our responsibility and be helpful.
 The meaning of Biodiversity.
 You should be good in interpreting real life.
 You can make a big difference by your own little good way.
 Ang panapon ay wag gawing waste.
 We can inform through music.
 To be confident.
 To be a true human.
 I develop my talent more in music.
 Makes me realize what really is environment and to make it safe.
 Save our forest.
 Learn to dance with the proper communication.
 I learn to be serious, nagamit ko skill , naging fashionist at ako’y naging savior.
 To relate our own story.
 Searching my creativity.
 Conservation of Mother Earth.
 To sing with joy.
 Unlock our talents.
 How to care ME.
 To play with colors.
 To make fertilizer by not hurting Mother Earth.
 I really learned a lot and will keep and share it with others.
 To know the value of drawing, it is good to let go of your body’s energy.
 To be open-minded and creativity and the best.
 How to be more responsible and give important to the creations of God.


 I hope it will be more exciting next time…
 Sana ang mga Enigmata Artist and mag-managed/mag-organized kasi sobrang galing nila. Maraming salamat dahil for the first time, and dami kong natutunan.
 I would like to thank you Enigmata artist if without you, hindi naming ito mararanasan sa aming buhay and I would like to do activities more enjoyable para magkaroon ng makulay na buhay.
 I would like to do those activities again more enjoyable specially the workshop with Kuya Alex and Kuya Vince. I enjoyed a lot on this Earth camp and aside from that, I made new friends, I experienced a lot of things that I didn’t did before, it was so fun.
 Sana magpatuloy ang inyong mga pagtuturo sa pag-aalaga ng Mother Earth.
 Swimming.
 Martial arts.
 This day’s activity gives me a wonderful and enjoyable experience. All those activities is what I want to do again next year.
 I hope Enigmata will continue this kind of events so that you can awake, amaze, help, improve others who joins. Kuya Alex, really different! This time theirs someone who push me to bring objective to save Mother Earth and it’s you, Enigmata!!!
 Well, we can care our living things which are God given. Like plant, they give us our fresh air and give us shade. We must not throw our garbage to the sea. It is so beautiful that I know how to care mother nature. We can’t survive if no food. We plant more trees, trees gives us more food.
 I learned something in this earth camp and my unforgettable experience in my High school life. I learned to protect this world, how to use anything in this world in right place. To communicate in all living in nature and I understand that all things of food are came from our Mother Earth.
 I can only say that it so good to help each other by caring our environment. And also by appreciating each other on how we are going to improve and make our mother earth look good. Likewise, it is so nice to see our environment when its back to normal. We should plant more trees.
 Thanks for all the information that you shared to us. Its my pleasure to learned many things from you. From now, I realized that nature is very important. There’s so many things that comes in my mind like someday I would like to be you, that someday I would be an environmentalist and that someday I can stay in Enigmata and live there together with you. And I promise I will help Mother Earth and apply those beautiful things that you shared.
 I’ve experience a different camp of all times!!! I’ve enjoyed every moment in my stay. I really love to be with nature and it’s a great opportunity as a part of science camp. Hindi mawawala ang pagkahilig ko sa music, I will try to play more instruments.
 Planting trees, martial art, swimming.
 I hope next time we will have planting trees activities at the forest to help Camiguin and to save Mother Earth.
 This camp really change my hue of my vision… even though I’m not satisfied with the food…it’s doesn’t matter for the reason that I have the most unforgettable and memorable camp in my life! Definitely I have a great time learning to love and being a nature lover and with you guys… I suggest to have a nature trip next time for us to understand what is the real situation of our place as well as the world.
 All I can say is that we should care and preserved our mother earth in order to make our lives more enjoyable, exciting and interesting. And all of what I’ve learned in this earth camp will be assured as a lesson for myself and this world be a very great experience and a lesson also for I realized that it is really important to care and help our mother earth because It give us life, food and everything that we need.
 I hope it will more exciting events next time that can make the campers more enjoyable and where they create things that the triple “R” will be applied.

2006 Earth Camp "Tell Me a Story, Mr. Cloud"

Patrimoine Sans Frontieres (PSF), Paris, France
Enigmata Creative Circle, Inc.
in collaboration with
Department of Education, Division of Camiguin Island, Philippines

Tell Me a Story Mr. Cloud Project
“An Environmental Multi-Media Video Art Film for Children by the Children”
August 28-30, 2006
2006 Children’s Biodiversity Mini Earth Camp

Executive Summary

The first of its kind biodiversity art film project for children initiated by Enigmata was conducted in Camiguin Island on August 28-30, 2006 in collaboration with Patrimoine Sans Frontieres, Paris, France as main sponsor. The participants of the 2006 mini-earth camp were thirty six students and three advisers from three local elementary schools namely; Sagay Central School, Anito Elementary School and Balbagon Elementary School.

“Tell me a story Mr. Cloud…” project is the offshoot of PSF “Culture of Remembrance” at the outbreak of Chernobyl, Belaruz accident which has caused serious problems in the lives of people. As a consequence of this environmental catastrophe, a project was launched to give voice to the affected communities and to restore solidarity with the inhabitants of the contaminated areas.

Enigmata was the counterpart organization in the Philippines among other participating countries like Belaruz and Lebanon. This is a very unique project which was the first of its kind and was limited to small group to be able to get the maximum output during workshops and outdoor shoot. The film entitled “Earth Song” and “Trash Can…” were filmed entirely in Camiguin Island with the help of expert consultants from Japan and Enigmata artists as facilitators, directors and screenplay writer.

The output of the visual workshops were collected for possible entry to The 14th Kanagawa Biennial World Children’s Art Exhibition. The output of the poetry workshop is now compiled into a “River of Words” poetry booklet which will be sent to the US secretariat to become part of the 2007 poetry contest.

The three day scheduled workshop was short of filming important parts, hence another two days spill over was maximized in filming more scenes with local children. The whole duration of the workshop was conducted in Enigmata Treehouse, while the filming where mostly done in the outdoors such as in the rivers, springs, falls, forest, white island sand bar, white sand beach, black sand beach, mangroves, ports, churches, shorelines, trees, garbage, labyrinth and treehouse.

The workshops were conducted using various creative theater and improvisational techniques. The facilitators were a team of musician, film makers, poets, visual artists and theater performers. The day’s workshop normally ends with a film or a slide showcase on biodiversity; a documentary film on “Nilasong Buhay” by The Correspondence; The Journey of Life by Moby’s Video; On Earth As It Is In Heaven by Animo Puppet Theater from Bacolod City; and the award winning Iranian movie Colours of Paradise. The highlights of the Earth Camp is Waway Saway’s concert, Pompet’s Villaraza’s writing and healing workshops, Greg Naduma and Felimon Blanco’s theater workshops, Rosalie’s Zerrudo creative group dynamics and Soni Kum’s film making with her mini-DV NTSC format..

During the outdoor workshops, special activities were conducted as a way of making nature as the most exciting classroom where children learn from hands-on experience. In the forest, several worksheet project were included such as a vegetation inventory, fantasy search, tree identification, and tree leaf bud identification. In the water areas, participants were given worksheets for river inventory and observation card for identification of species in the rivers and falls. The reading materials on forest and water including activity sheets were taken from the reference book published by Grupo Aprender con La Naturaleza (2003). A Day of Adventure in the Forest. Reading materials were researched regarding the Guimaras oil spill from the Greenpeace website. A primer on “Water for Life” served as one reference material from the “Bantay Kinaiyahan,” a publication of Interface Development Interventions, Inc., Davao City. A primer on environmental issues were downloaded from the web regarding the Chernobyl, Belaruz Accident and an article on Asian Brown Cloud Poses Global Threat as reference materials.

The two short films will be produced in DVD together with a booklet and translated in four languages; original language, French, Russian and English. The presentation of the DVD “Stories of a cloud” is scheduled to be shown in Belarus, in Braguine, in 2007. PSF will provide a copy of the booklet and DVD to each child, every participating artist and school.

Objectives of the Earth Camp and Art Film Project:

The activity aims to:
1. Produce an art film on DVD format based on the theme “Tell Me a Story, Mr. Cloud”
2. Expose the participants to creative learning environment to deepen understanding about the environment
3. Support the international appeal in the protection of children’s rights for their protection against environmental hazards
4. Conduct the third Earth Camp for the YES-O Camiguin

DAY 1…

The registration was a creative workshop for children designing their own IDs. Each school set-up their own tents. The opening salvo was a special ritual which started with creative commentary by Rosalie Zerrudo then stories and songs from the foot of Mt. Kitanglad by Waway Saway.

 The afternoon session orientation about the project and background on the Mr. Cloud Project.
 The theater workshop was conducted by Felimon Blanco and Greg Naduma which included the basic elements of theater such as; space, level, texture, shape, line and time. The workshop was a fun way of getting started and making participants settle down and focus their energies.
 A journey to the heart of the earth workshop was introduced in a creative snack break where everybody became the human spiral labyrinth while sharing the harvest and bounty of the earth. Pompet shared his thoughts on the importance of finding the heart of the earth. The script of the film was read to them in a story telling form to guide the participants to the experience of reconnecting to the heart of the earth.
 A basic poetry workshop was facilitated by Pompet for the children to be able to gather their ideas and experiences into words
 The experience of the children where later expressed in a “madala” painting where they start with a symbol in the middle then they expand like an ether with more symbols connected to the center in circle shape painted on chip boards using acrylic paints.
 A biodiversity quiz bee and discussion served as a closure and recap for the day’s workshop
 A biodiversity film about Camiguin and the “On Earth as it is in Heaven” was shown to prepare the participants for the following day’s field trip around the island.

DAY 2…
The day started with a theater exercise then a prayer meditation. The participants were prepared for the outdoor activities as part of the location shoot for the filming of the short film. The local children where chosen as main characters at the same time the casts in the film.

 The first location shoot was done in Katibawasan falls where they played with water, rocks, and rivers. A garbage clean-up was also part of the visit after the splash to the mountain fresh water. The participants were divided into six groups and did a series of water exploration based on their worksheets.
 The second half of the day was mostly the beach side and shoreline shoot with different water games and water fight scenes. The toy animation in the water was one good experimentation during the filming with the main character. The Kebila children facilitated a biodiversity orientation and guided the participants to discover the giant clams and the corals in the marine sanctuary.
 Toy animation along the mangrove was taken during sunset when the native mango was plenty and cheap.
 A short stop over shoot was taken along a seaside stilt house as a good material for the film. The contrast of the clean surrounding and the man made waste shown in the shoot.
 A film about “Nilasong Buhay” and the “Journey of Life” served as closure for the day
By the end of the second day this is what the participants have to say;
 Loving and taking care of nature is important
 Don’t destroy our nature
 Pick up garbage
 Segregate garbage, don’t throw garbage anywhere
 Protect fish sanctuaries

DAY 3…

The third day started early with an early field trip to the mountains to catch the clouds while it is still nestled next to the ground. Unfortunately when we arrive past sunrise, the clouds were already over our heads, but the passing dancing clouds was a graceful scene to welcome the morning.

 In Itum at the foot of Mt. Hibok Hibok a dance with the clouds was mounted while the wind favored our kite flying scene. The ingenuous invention of a wooden bike was the special feature of the day.
 A forest investigation was conducted using the worksheets to discover more about trees and roots, leaves and the vegetation in the forest. The participants were divided into six groups and assigned group leader to record all the findings of the investigation.
 On the way to the sea, a short stop over in the Philippine Volcanology Station was an educational experience with pictures of volcanic eruptions in the island born out of fire.
 The other workshop was done in the black sand shoreline where half of the children made their sand sculptures. The other half made their poems into songs with the help of Waway. While the main cast of the film took the boat crossed the white island sand bar to take some important water and island shoots. The day was kind and the sea was radiant. The clouds were dancing at the background watching us watching them.
 A river exploration was conducted in Macao cold spring and a garbage clean-up while doing water shoots with the toy fantasy anime character.
 A short visit to the ostrich farm was a delight for the first timers to be up-close and personal with the elegant princess of the outback.
 Back in the treehouse another workshop was conducted on play dough molding and sculpting. It was a dynamic experimentation using the manual animation in film.
 A mandala of words was introduced to capture their day’s experience in one power word…
Wow! Beauty Grateful to God Enjoyable
Helping Peace Wonderful Exciting
Fun Care Protect attractive
Colorful Useful Lovely Life
Important Clean Animals Enjoy
Unique Protect Improve Plant trees
Love Maintain Glad Preserve
Gorgeous Reforest Marvelous Save

 Indigenous Filipino games related to nature such as the coco shell race were used as ice breakers which was a popular game in the afternoon.
 The final ritual was a journey back to the heart of the earth. In silence while swinging with the trees, the children walked slowly barefoot feeling the belly of the earth on their feet and the whispers of the wind on their faces toward the labyrinth sculpture. A meditation poetry with the music of the children of the forest lead the moving ritual where each one will hold the symbolic earth and pass it towards the center of the human spiral. Then everyone connected with their hands to the center making them one web of life. A silent prayer for each one became a solemn affirmation of one’s relationship with mother earth.
 The day’s closure was formally done with the words of thanks from Ms. Roselyn Jurial, Education Supervisor 1 (Science) of the Department of Education.

DAY 4…

The extra day was spent in additional outdoor shoot which was either missed out during the first three days.
 The anime manual toy animation was shot using the works of the children as background.
 Additional garbage shots were also done during the day with the help to the local children from the nearby school.
 Facilitators evaluation session was helpful in looking at the strengths and the weaknesses of the project. Each one expressed their feelings and joy for being part of the project.

In the evaluation, most of the children gave five as the highest score to what they remembered as their favorite activities such as games, field trip, paintings, poem composition, film showing, clay molding, prayer, acting, dancing, snorkeling, anime making, mandala making.

Significant learning:
 Each of us must be aware that it is our responsibility to protect, preserve, respect, conserve, love, care of our Mother Earth for future generations.
 I have to listen, start to act now, work now before its too late. Each one of us has a mission.
 I learned that as a child I have also great role and responsibilities to love, care and protect Mother Earth.
 I learned that I must campaign to protect the clams and corals
 I learned how to appreciate the beauty of nature.
 I learned how to preserve mother earth for future generations
 Garbage should be disposed properly
 Conserve water
 Respect the flowers, insects, animals, plants and fish, etc.
 I learned that all are connected to each other, the clouds, the river, water, air.
 I also learned to listen, cooperate, to participate to the call of nature
 I discovered my self as an artist
 I love the beauty of the falls
 I love to watch corals and see “nemo” swimming
 Its my first time to walk in the forest and I love watching the beauty of the island
 First time to watch flightless birds
 So nice to mold nature with clay
 I enjoyed walking the spiral walk
 I learned how to paint, act, dance, and care, love, respect nature
 I learned from the forest different kinds of plants
 I learned to appreciate the beauty of clams and corals
 I learned to paint “mandala” and write a poem
 Lessons in science can be done through dancing
 Preservation, care, love, conservation and respect of the environment can be shown through paintings
 Water is the source of life
 I learned how to act, learn to draw, molding different animals and plants using clay
 I learned how to care, love, respect, preserve natural resources

Suggestions and Other Comments:

 Thank you very much. You are all wonderful persons.
 More camps.
 It would be wonderful if all children in Camiguin can attend this wonderful activity especially those who have never been expose to these kind of camp in their life.
 Hope you could also share with us your video tapes on journey of life.

Biodiversity and Art Workshop for Primary and Secondary Schools

Enigmata Creative Circle, Inc.
Department of Education, District of Camiguin

January 27, 2006 to March 17, 2006

I. Executive Summary

The Department of Education, District of Camiguin in partnership with Enigmata Creative Circle, conducts biodiversity workshops using multi-media for YES-O student officers in all the public primary and secondary schools in Camiguin. The purpose of the workshops are to enhance and increase the awareness of school children about the biodiversity of the Philippines, especially that of Camiguin, and strengthen values in environmental responsibility especially during their formative years. Using modern and popular art media, the assessment of the current environmental situation and children’s commitments and action plans for responsible stewardships are facilitated through interactive learning. The fun learning experience is already an indication of responsiveness, and in addition supporting methods and tools are being implemented for monitoring results.

This documentation report provides insights and learnings from the activities conducted with the children, as well as recommendations for action and guide for those who wish to replicate the activity.

II. Participants
The preliminary workshop was conducted in 40 schools from five municipalities and around two thousands students:
Mambajao - 16 schools
Mahinog - 8 schools
Guinsiliban - 2 schools
Sagay - 5 schools
Catarman - 9 schools
Below are the participating schools and number of students during the workshop:

Binunsaran 60
Mantigue 32
Liong 56
Balite 26
Catibac ES 56
Anito ES 110
Puntod ES 81
Cabuan ES 34
Sagay CS 30
Lawigan ES 42
Maubog ES 12
Owakan PS 29
Sagay NHS 39
Lawigan-Bura NHS32
Yumbing NHS 59
Mahinog CS 32
Holy Rosary HS 26
Panghiyawon ES 35
Yumbing ES 68
Mahinog NHS 34
Mainit ES 40
Tagdo ES 23
Benoni ES 32
Catarman CS 74
Bug-ong ES 34
San Isidro ES 37
Camiguin NHS 71
Pandan ES 29
Tacangon ES 39
Compol ES 40
Baylao ES 86
Bonbon ES 32
Agoho ES 32
Soro-Soro ES 32
Mambajao CS 49
Naasag ES 33
Tupsan NHS 66
Tupsan ES 64
Kuguita ES 57

III. Workshop
Workshops were facilitated with the use of modern and popular art media. The following were the activities conducted:

Activity 1: Take a Walk with a friend in Camiguin
The objective of the activity is for children to think about Camiguin and what makes it unique from the other provinces. This also allows them to think about the diversity of the environment in which they live in.

Step 1: The children form two circles—one small circle and one big circle, with the small circle inside the big circle. There number of children in the small circle is equal to the number of children in the big circle, and one child from the small or inner circle partners with another from the big or outer circle.

Step 2: The facilitator instructs the children to share with their partners what their favorites in Camiguin are, say, favorite nature spots. After the exchange, the children in the outer circle move one step clockwise to have a new partner. The facilitator then identifies more favorites to share between the partners, e.g. local food in Camiguin, wild animals, plants, etc.

Activity 2: Slide Show of “In the Beginning” (produced by Animo Puppet Theater, Bacolod, Negros Occidental)

The slides production is a visually appetizing children-friendly still shots of the colors and wonder of nature. Power words about nature and reflection questions on biodiversity conservations were flashed with still shots. The duality of the planet earth’s environmental state, from beauty to chaos. The state of the planet is a very alarming scenario and needs immediate attention. The children learns about the adverse effect of destructive human activity to the world.

Activity 3: Slide Show of “Camiguin Biodiversity” (produced by Enigmata, Camiguin)

The biodiversity slide production is a compilation of the CPSC students’ research on the biodiversity of the island and information gathered from the primer of the Department of Environment and Natural Resources and information from the world wide web. This is a brief overview of the terrestrial and marine biodiversity in Camiguin.

Activity 4: Circle of Life
The objective of the activity is for children to learn the relatedness and interconnectivity of things--just like how one ecosystem and different ecosystems are interrelated and how the extinction of even one or a few elements affect the whole.

Materials: 2 stones for each child

Step 1: The children form a circle. Each child holds 2 stones. The stones are moved around the circle (stone on child’s right hand is picked up by the child on his/her right; child moves the stone on his/her left hand to his/her right; child receives a stone on his/her left hand from the child on his/her left) while reciting the words tht relates to the self, other, community an environment. E.g. Ako, Ikaw, Kita, Kalibutan etc.

Activity 5: Web of Life
The objective of the activity is for children to learn that we have one breathe, one water, one clouds and one life… one cannot exist without the other.

Materials: strong rope

Step 1: play live music or canned environmental music and let the children gather in a circle facing the center.
Step 2: place ropes neatly coiled in the middle ground
Step 3: start giving the rope with one child then extend to the opposite direction letting the children hold the rope tightly stretched to create a web in the end
Step 4: when every child is already holding the rope, ask for one volunteer to sit in the middle of the web in full weight to act as “mother earth”
Step 5: the “mother earth” volunteer with closed eyes will enjoy the nurturing hands while doing the gentle lullaby swing

Activity 6: Stick Game
The objective of the activity is for children to learn the importance of leaving something behind for the next generation. This is to challenge who are the earth savers.

Materials: bamboo sticks or twigs for each participant

Step 1: The children form a circle. Each child holds one stick. Each turn the child will move to the right leaving behind the stick he/she was holding and grabbing the next stick. When the stick touch the ground, the child will have to leave the circle, until only two people are left and will be entitled the “earth savers”

Activity 7: Composting
The objective of the activity is for the children to learn segregation and the proper layering for composting. Discuss the difference between biodegradable and non-biodegradable, and review the 5 Rs, i.e. REUSE, RECYCLE, REFUSE, REDEEM, REDUCE.

Materials: twigs, leaves, manure, water,

Step 1: dig a whole enough for the compost
Step 2: place twigs next to the ground
Step 3: place dry leaves
Step 4: place animal manure
Step 5: place all fresh fruit peelings
Step 6:cover compost with soil
Step 7: wet surface with water and to maintain moisture
Step 8: cover on top with banana leaves and leave for couple of weeks before use

Activity 8: Drawing personal commitments
The objective of the activity is to encourage each child to make a personal commitment in taking care of the environment.

Materials: twigs, leaves, pebbles, flowers, shells

Step 1: The children form a circle. The twigs, leaves, pebbles, flowers and shells are piled in the middle of the circle. Each child takes a pick and goes back to the circle. The children are given time to reflect on a commitment, after which each child puts back his/her pick into a pile again in the middle of the circle.

Activity 9: Closing
The children learn a song which they could reflect on in taking care of the environment.

Kung kaya mong isipin
Kaya mong gawin
Isa isang hakbang lamang at ika’y makakarating
Tulad ng puno na galing sa binhi
Ang mga dakilang gawa’y nagmumula sa guniguni…

IV. Reference Materials Used
Slide Shows:
“On Earth as it is in Heavan” CD by Animo Puppet Theater, Bacolod City
“Camiguin Biodiversity” CD by Enigmata
Grupo Aprender con La Naturaleza (2003). A Day of Adventure in the Forest.

“Kung Kaya Mong Isipin” by Joey Ayala


Enigmata Creative Circle, Inc.
Department of Education, District of Camiguin

September 13-14, 2005

I. Executive Summary

Camiguin is an island off the beaten tracks which makes it an advantage for its natural biodiversity. One specific project for environmental education students is creative education through popular media.

Enigmata in partnership with Cultural Affairs Office of Mr. Sonny Noel in Marawi State University (MSU) launched a biodiversity art film festival in schools. It was part of the MSU world cinema project in Mindanao where they sponsored more than a hundred films to choose from mostly related to environmental issues, value formation, culture and the arts. Mr. Sonny Noel provided the films including the LCD projector and DVD players.

Enigmata organized several film showing with specific schools in five municipalities. Due to limited time and resources only a few schools in the most convenient geographic locations were able to enjoy this opportunity. The logistical support were not also adequate in some areas when LCD is not available or sound system is not good. This is the first experiment which we hope to improve given the proper logistical support and appropriate venue. The proceeds of the show was used to cover logistical requirements and transportation fees.

A few of the most favorite movies include; Colours of Paradise, God’s Must be Crazy; The King of Masks; Whale Rider; Two Brothers, among others.

A short discussion or interaction happens after the film between the audience and the facilitator which shows the impact of the movie on the students. In the case of a large audience, a discussion with the teachers was helpful.

II. Participants
The biodiversity art film festival was conducted in 18 schools involving 2,278 students and teachers

Mambajao - 2 schools
Mahinog - 4 schools
Guinsiliban - 6 schools
Sagay - 2 schools
Catarman - 4 schools

Below are the participating schools and number of students during the film showing:
Mambajao Mahinog Guinsiliban Sagay Catarman
Mamabajao CS 552 CAMPHS 133 Guisiliban CS 169 Sagay CS 224 Catarman NHS 159
CPSC 102 Binoni ES 22 Alangilan ES 121 Bugang ES 60 Alga ES 45
Mantigue ES 35 Liong ES 89 Catarman CS 260
Mahinog CS 227 Butay ES 29 Catibac ES 46
Cantaan 12
Guinsiliban ES 113

III. Film Showing
These are some of the chosen films for the activity.

The Color of Paradise
1999 - Iran - 81 min. - Feature, Color

AKA Color Of God
Ranghe Khoda (Farsi title)
Director Majid Majidi

Genre/Type Drama, Family Drama, Childhood Drama

Themes Love for Nature, Living With Disability, Fathers and Sons, Orphans, Down on Their Luck, Single Parents

Set In Tehran, Iran, farm country

Produced by Varahonar Co.

Release Mar 24, 2000 (USA)

Released by Sony Pictures Classics

Oscar-nominated Iranian director Majid Majidi (Children of Heaven) brings another compassionate tale of childhood innocence to the screen with this touching fable. Eight-year-old talent Moshen Ramezani evokes gut-wrenching sadness as well as adoring love and spiritual connection with life, nature, and God through his vulnerable performance as the blind Mohammed. The supporting cast is impressive: Hossein Mahjub as the boy's father is despondent, abrasive, and spiritually bereft yet not unsympathetic. Pain over his own abandonment and the repressed love for his son shine through. Salime Feizi is delightful as Mohammed's "beautiful Granny," convincing and moving as a joyous beacon of love in his life. The senses are used gracefully in Majidi's work: sound and touch are vital to Mohammed's sightless world, so the director captures the staccato drill of a woodpecker, outstretched hands "catching" the winds, and tangible "reading" of river rocks as a lyrical language in the imagination of a resourceful child. Although the protagonist is blind, Majidi doesn't shortchange the audience on the diverse visuals of Iranian life and its terrain: misty forests, glorious farmland, the urban streets of Tehran, and wool dyeing with the colors of wildflowers. The Color of Paradise (1999) is a feast of raw emotion, tactile imagery, and bravura filmmaking from a part of the world too long in the dark. — Lisa Kropiewnicki

Two Brothers
2004 - UK / France - 108 min. - Feature, Color

Director Jean-Jacques Annaud

Genre/Type Adventure, Family-Oriented Adventure, Animal Picture

Themes Finding a Way Back Home

Filming location Cambodia, Thailand

Produced by Pathe Renn Prod., TF1 Films Prod. / Two Brothers Prods.

Release Jun 25, 2004 (USA)

Released by Pathe / Pathe Distribution / Universal Pictures

Like The Bear, director Jean-Jacques Annaud's acclaimed animal picture released 15 years prior, Two Brothers offers a family-friendly epic as told through the eyes of its four-legged protagonists, who, in this case, are sibling tiger cubs Koumal and Sangha. Though a life in the jungles of French colonial Indochina circa the 1920s seemed certain, the cubs are separated shortly after their birth when the notorious hunter Aidan McRory (Guy Pearce) kills their father. Koumal is whisked away to a circus, where he is cruelly beaten into submission and forced to perform tricks to earn his keep. Sangha fares better at first — he lands in the posh estate of a French government official who wants the big cat to serve as a companion for his lonely son, though a series of unforeseen circumstances ultimately finds Sangha in the hands of a man determined to turn him into an aggressive prizefighter. Understandably, neither tiger is happy with his arrangements, and both escape captivity in hopes of returning to the jungle. Unfortunately for them, the prospect of two loose tigers is hardly comforting for the locals, who quickly demand that McRory kill the cubs before they threaten the safety of the village. Once McRory finds the tigers in their natural habitat, however, he faces a crisis of conscience he hadn't thought possible. Two Brothers also features Jean-Claude Dreyfus and Freddie Highmore. — Tracie Cooper

Whale Rider
2002 - New Zealand - 105 min. - Feature, Color

wrong search result? more matches HERE

Director Niki Caro

Genre/Type Drama, Family Drama, Feminist Film, Childhood Drama

Themes Under Water World, Questioning Gender, Generation Gap, Underdogs

Tones Lyrical, Bittersweet, Compassionate, Earthy, Meditative, Wistful

Moods Triumph of the Spirit

Produced by A the Works Ltd. / Apollo Media / Pandora Film / South Pacific Pictures

Release Jun 6, 2003 (USA - Limited)

Premiere 2002 09 09 (Toronto International Film Festival)

Released by Newmarket Films

Beautiful underwater photography and an excellent lead performance from Keisha Castle-Hughes make Whale Rider a heartfelt drama with a spiritual core. The ancient tale of Paikea is felt throughout this well-worn story line, refreshing with images of cool blue water and nuanced with intricate tribal carvings and tattoos. Though set in present day, Hughes exudes a timeless quality with both the powers of a mystic and the devotion of a little girl. As her beloved and stern grandfather, Rawiri Paratene is effectively blinded by pride so that he can't see the answer is right in front of him. Their bond is a strong and subtle one as they each possess a strong-willed independence that yearns to be tested. Vicky Haughton holds things together emotionally as the nurturing grandmother, and Grant Roa provides the modern alternative to chiefdom as the lazy Uncle Rawiri, although he too gets a chance at redemption. The colorful costumes, makeup, and skin markings are well rendered, especially when placed in the context of the poignant scene at Pai's cultural program at school. The ethereal soundtrack by Lisa Gerrard of Dead Can Dance sets the otherworldly mood while also making the slow pace more tolerable. It's worth noting that the New Zealand dialect of English is difficult to understand at times, but the images are so powerful that some lost dialogue doesn't detract much from the story. — Andrea LeVasseur

The King of Masks
1996 - Hong Kong / China - 101 min. - Feature, Color

AKA Bian Lian
Director Wu Tianming

Genre/Type Drama, Family Drama, Period Film, Childhood Drama

Themes Down on Their Luck, Orphans

Tones Compassionate, Earnest, Poignant

Produced by Beijing Youth Film Studio / Shaw Brothers

Release Apr 28, 1999 (USA)

Released by Goldwyn Pictures

This tender Chinese tale of an aged street performer who begins teaching a young child is filled with warm humanity but not imbued with undue sentiment. It is set about seventy years in the past and centers on elderly Wang Bian Lian, who travels the street performing with his pet monkey. Just looking at him it would be hard to tell that he is a master of the rapid changing face masks technique that characterizes Sichuan opera. He came to the streets thirty years before, after his wife abandoned him, and now he seeks to pass on his technique to a young boy. Liang, a well-known actor specializing in female roles wants to learn the skill, but Wang politely refuses to teach him. Wang finally gets his candidate when he buys "Doggie," a young child from a starving family. Doggie's presence adds renewed zest to Wang's life. One day the child falls ill and Wang sells one of his few priceless heirlooms to save him. This leads him to learn that Doggie is not a 'he' at all. Wang still cares, but he is heartbroken for only a boy can learn the face-changing skill. Doggie begs him to let her stay and to teach her to be an acrobat. He agrees to this and continues looking for a boy. One day, Doggie accidentally burns up Wang's boat. Horrified, she flees into the city only to secretly return later with a baby that she had rescued from kidnappers. Wang, not knowing who bestowed the gift of the child, is delighted. Unfortuantely the child's wealthy parents learn that he has it. Wang is arrested and sentenced to death. Fortunately, Doggie is determined to save him. — Sandra Brennan

Nowhere in Africa
2001 - Germany - 141 min. - Feature, Color

AKA Nirgendwo in Afrika (Original Foreign title)
Director Caroline Link

Genre/Type Drama, Family Drama, Period Film

Themes Starting Over, Immigrant Life, Culture Clash, Women During Wartime

Tones Reflective, Sweeping, Compassionate, Poignant, Affectionate, Earnest, Earthy

Produced by Bavaria Films / Constantin Film / MC-One / MTM Medien & Television / Television München Produktion

Release Dec 27, 2001 (Germany) / Mar 7, 2003 (USA - Limited)

Released by Constantin Film / Optimum Releasing / Zeitgeist Films

A family on the run for their lives finds themselves in a beautiful but utterly unfamiliar world in this drama based on the autobiographical novel by Stefanie Zweig. Walter Redlich (Merab Ninidze) is a successful Jewish lawyer living in Germany during the rise of the Third Reich. Aware of the increasing dangers of remaining in Germany, Walter seeks exile on a farm in Kenya, while his socially prominent wife, Jettel (Juliane Koehler), and his young daughter, Regina (Lea Kurka), stay behind, as does his father, Max (Gerd Heinz), and Jettel's sister, Kaethe (Regine Zimmermann). In time, as the pogroms against the Jews increase in Germany, Jettel and Regina join Walter in Kenya, but the transition is not easy for Walter, who is still learning the nuts and bolts of running the farm (and discovers that Germans are not welcomed by the British settlers in Kenya), or Jettel, who is not accustomed to physical labor and resents having to help with the farming. While Regina at first finds her new surroundings alienating and unfamiliar, she soon becomes fascinated with the rugged beauty of Kenya and becomes fast friends with Owour (Sidede Onyulo), who serves as the family's cook. In time, Germany invades Africa, and Walter finds himself in a British internment camp; Jettel and Regina also are captured, but Jettel uses her sexual allure to persuade a British officer to arrange for Walter to be put in charge of another farm, and Regina is sent to a boarding school for girls. After the war, the Redlichs must decide whether to remain in Kenya or to return to the country that would have persecuted them. — Mark Deming